John rawls ' criticism to utilitarianism 罗尔斯对功利主义的批判及当代意义
On john rawls ' s critique of utilitarianism 论罗尔斯对功利主义的批判
An initial probe in the abstractedness of john rawls ' contract theory 刍议罗尔斯契约论方法的抽象性
John rawls and his theory of justice 罗尔斯与他的正义理论
An introduction to the study of john rawls in both china and foreign countries 当前国内外罗尔斯研究介绍
On john rawls ' theory of justice 评罗尔斯的正义论
Judging the justice of the chinese higher educational system from john rawls ' principles of justice 从罗尔斯的正义原则看我国高等教育制度的正义性
During the period of a theory of justice and " dewey lectures " , john rawls " scenario can be described as " kantian moral constructivism " 在《正义论》和“杜威讲演”时期,罗尔斯的方案可描述为“康德式的道德建构主义” 。
John rawls , well - acknowledged for his theory of justice , though limited in numbers on works , dedicates his life to the thinking of social justice 罗尔斯以正义理论著称。虽然其著述不是很多,然而他终其一生精力都倾注在对社会正义问题的思考上。